A walk through the paper lanterns


Hello everyone, sorry it’s been about a little over a week since my last post. I have been super busy with so many new projects and ideas.

Since I’ve been working so hard on my business and all my creations, My husband and I decided to have some fun on Sunday and we went to the Arizona Matsuri, Festival of Japan here in Phoenix.

Matsuri is the Japanese word for a festival or holiday. In Japan, festivals are usually sponsored by a local shrine or temple, though they can be secular. You can read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_festivals

In Phoenix we have one to celebrate the coming of spring usually in February or March every year. This was my first time to go and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

They had these excellent Taiko drummers there. It was magnificent, you could see how much fun they were having. It was contagious and it brought a smile to my face the whole time.


The beating of the large drums was incredible, you could feel the vibration rumbling in your chest.



There were all kinds of people dressed in costumes and as anime characters because it gives us a good excuse to celebrate anything Japanese. It’s quite a celebration.

They had beautiful bonsai trees on display and a variety of interesting vendors. Wonderful food and they even had our favorite….Authentic shaved ice from Kilauea, Hawaii.


So many beautiful colors and culture.


This year’s theme was the traditional paper lanterns. They were so very beautiful too. I love the paper lanterns. I happened to catch a  shot as we were leaving and a majority of the crowd had dispersed. I loved the lighting and the shadows in this one.


Well I hope you enjoyed taking a walk with me through the paper lanterns at this years Matsuri Festival.

P.S – I have been working on some new jewelry projects this weekend and I can’t wait to share them with you all. One piece is a brand new type of pendant! I really like it a lot.

I really appreciate and enjoy every single one of my readers, has anyone else ever been to a Matsuri Festival? What did you think? Did you like it? I would be thrilled to hear about it.


Passion Of Light

Do you see me?


Can you see the laugh lines on my face or the tiny grey hairs forming?

The experiences that I’ve had, all the bad and the good that make me who I am today?

Can you see the tough times I’ve been through or the tears I’ve shed?

The people I’ve loved?

Can you see my heart bulging in excitement to share my creations of love, or my voice waiting to be heard?

Can you see all the hard work I’ve done?

Can you see my pain?

Can you see where I’ve been?

Do you see me?

"Open Heart"

“Open Heart”

A blog I read inspired me to do some deep thought and write so many things I’ve wanted to express over the years. I can really relate to her in a way. Here is a link to her blog: http://meganaronson.wordpress.com/

I was inspired about this subject today because I have felt for a long time now that most people are in auto pilot a lot of the time, not really seeing life or other people around them. Just going through the motions of the day. Getting angry and yelling at the car in front of them. Just paying the person at the drive through window and not even giving a second glance. Perhaps not noticing other people in line at the store.

I know this because I’ve been this way before, It wasn’t until I had my wake up call, a near death experience that I changed my perspective, actually I kind of did a one eighty all together but that’s another story. I might make a future post on that sometime.

Now I choose to be present, to really see people and to be kind, loving and thoughtful to others. Partaking in random acts of kindness.

When I notice I’m in auto pilot I automatically shift in to being present again. We have a choice to be present. You never know what someone might be going through, that little act of kindness or a smile can completely change their day and shift their mood or perspective.

So next time your at the grocery store in line and someone comes up behind you with only an item or two, smile and let them go ahead. The next time you are eating at the mall and you see an old woman with grey hair cleaning the tables, working hard and sweeping the floor, try saying “hello how is your night going”? Look right in their eyes and acknowledge them.

Everyone wants to be seen and acknowledged. It’s a sign of respect, care and love, and by sharing the love, you are in turn getting love back.

It’s like a mirror, what you reflect you get back. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and really see others and the world around you.

We are all in this world together, why not make the most of it and choose love. It might just put a smile on someone’s face and yours.

With love,


A recent “Heart Story” pendant I just listed on etsy:


A poem from my heart


It’s been kind of hectic lately, a lot of changes. For the good actually. I have decided to focus on my passion full time and give it everything I’ve got. An adventure to say the least. I’m sure there will be ups and downs and trials and tests along the way. I am ready, I’m ready to jump into my life…To make my life happen the way I see it. I am not fulfilled working for others and for soul less corporations anymore that just don’t see or respect me as a person. I feel such a strong pull to do something more…something with meaning and heart that will make a difference in people’s lives and helping others in their healing process, just like I’m learning to heal. I have been having so many ideas lately. Writing poetry with my jewelry and photography has been something that has been coming to me strong and very natural lately. By writing messages of hope, love and healing I believe it will help others as well as help heal myself. I know that I have to go with what I feel, really feel it, write it, acknowledge my feelings and let it go. Having a supportive husband that loves me and helps me in my healing process means the world to me and I am so very grateful. No more second guessing myself anymore. I have been truly touched by having such a wonderful support system by people that see me and encourage and inspire me to keep doing what I love because it’s really special and beautiful. I am listening and finally realizing that yes it is special and I need to do this full time and really go after my passion. There may not be a tomorrow so go after what you really long for in life. Do what you love and the world will support you. It may take some work, just don’t ever give up. I have had some sales and people interested in my work lately as well. I feel like I’ve been invisible for so long, I feel like people are really seeing me and it feels really good. Could it be that I’m finally starting to see myself? Hmmm…interesting.

I did some abstract photography the other day and I think I got some really neat, deep and perhaps meditative photographs. A poem came to me from this one and It is very fitting with what I’ve been going through lately. Hope you enjoy 🙂 Any comments or questions are more than welcome.


Reach into the painting of life,

Feel all of the colors between your fingers,

Let the beauty swirl all around you,

It’s always been there for you,

So jump,

Jump all the way in and create your masterpiece.

Photography and poetry by: Lisa Novak

I haven’t listed this one on etsy yet, if interested please message me.

My etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PassionOfLight